How can you find a great mobile UI designer?

How can you find a great mobile UI designer?

Finding the best freelance mobile developers for web applications is like finding a needle in a haystack. So before making any bad choices, you need to delve into the mind of mobile UI Designers to understand them and their work patterns. You must know the qualities which a mobile UI Designer must possess in order to become excellent in his craft! What makes one a good designer? What makes a designer unique, and make them stand out from the crowd?

Here are the qualities a good  freelance mobile UI designer must have:

1. Passionate & Motivated: A good mobile UI Designer has the drive to create unique mobile app design ideas and implement them. They are also passionate about facing challenges and conquering obstacles on their way to perfect the app design. They uniquely concentrate on challenges and vanquish those challenges. They are highly motivated in conquering their tasks and achieving their goals.

2. A Good Eye for Design: Artists are considered sensitive and creative because they have a keen eye that is sensitive to detail i.e. they communicate viscerally through every detail in their work. The same way a mobile UI Designer is equipped with two good eyes for creativity, to accomplish the mission of aesthetically pleasing both the client and the user by inventing unique ideas and implementing those in their mobile app design process.

3. Empathy: It’s not possible to discern one’s expectations or requirements without stepping into their shoes. One of the most significant qualities of a mobile UI designer, who is into freelancing is Empathy. It helps in understanding different users and clients. This way the designer can render the mobile app design smooth and aesthetically pleasing.

4. Creativity and Optimism: Every designer encourages ideas, new and creative ideas, that can impact the users positively. Creativity is considered a common quality in all artists and designers because new, fresh, and creative ideas can bewitch users. An Invisible pull towards new and creative things is a special quality of life. Optimism is the most desired quality in a designer, an optimistic designer is highly confident and extremely positive.

These are some of the good qualities the mobile UI designers should be examined for, before awarding them your freelance project work. Generally, mobile UI designers in the US charge around  $25-$75 per hour for freelance project work. Though these rates may differ from place to place, like in Europe, the average freelance rate for a UX/UI Designer in the UK (excluding London) currently stands around £315 per day. In contrast, the average freelance rate for a UX/UI Designer in London specifically, sits around £350 a day.

If you are looking for a freelance mobile UI designer, then create a free account and post your mobile app design requirements on Halogig, where you can connect with top-rated designers specializing in Mobile UI and app design. Halogig is a digital marketplace with a vision to redefine the gig economy and connect the right clients with the right freelancers and facilitate the smooth completion of freelance project works.    
